
a - like English "saw"

ai - like English "eye"

e - like English "bay"

i - like English "see"

o - like English "go"

u - like English "moon"


b - like English "ball"

ch - like German "Bach"

d - like English "dog"

g - hard g sound, like English "gas"

h - somewhere between English h and f

k - hard k sound, like English "cat"

m - like English "map"

n - like English "nap"

p - like English "pan"

r - somewhere between English l and r

s - soft s sound, like English "sofa"

sh - like English "sheer"

t - like English "tan"

th - like English "with"

ts - like Japanese "tsunami"

w - like English "win"

y - like English "yawn"

z - somewhere between English j and z

* - click used at the beginning of question words

Some Aioran words:

Sentence structure is similar to that of English.

There is no Aioran word for "is."

Aioran English
a at
ach now
Amgine Lake Amgine (resort near Kilgari)
amon love
anwach wish
ar about
atara new
Ataraiora New Aiora (new homeworld for the Aiorans)
Aiora Aiora
ber please
betach leave
dach call
domogra thank you
dorumach sleep
ga of
Hakai S.S. Hawkeye
Haidra S.S. Hydra
Hun Tun God or Chaos
iben okay
kakush worry
kareshuch know
Karipso S.S. Calypso
kai all
kira come
Kirgari Kilgari (Aioran capital)
kob ask
komotai can, able to
kon with
konisha this place
koresta this, here
kuando so
metobai battle axe
mithra armor
moshinda death
nakari mess, screw, bother
-nan language (i.e. Aioranan or Teranan)
nai not, no
nutsanza memory, remnant
ozamach listen, hear
panza much, many
rabotach create, work, make, assemble
reburach learn
retharga help
sahadrai friend
sahai yes
sien always
sushan possible
shagote repay, return
shanhach gone, nonexistent
shantach say, speak
shirach recognize, remember
sho sir, ma'am
shontaran hometown, home
shotana unconscious
shothe sweet
tamon you
tan to, toward
Tera Earth
Tiamat S.S. Tiamat (Hunter's ship)
toya street urchin, orphan
trantach stop
tuzmach doctor
thainre question
thurtsach miss
tsangapach hurt, mourn
wakainsho power
wata I
yamae name
yashmat tonight
zo and
*ak why
*nuk what
*nuko where
*o who